Friday, November 6, 2020

Lupine Publishers | MDCT in Diagnosis of Anomalies of Coronary Artery Origin and Course a Coronary MDCT-Angiographic study of 9572 patients

   Lupine Publishers | Advancements in Cardiology Research & Reports



Background: Coronary anomalies are the causes of sudden cardiac deaths in young peoples, but usually asymptomatic. We perform this retrospective study to determine the types and prevalence of Coronary Anomalies of origin and course.

Method: The data of 9572 patients with Coronary CT-angiography by MDCT 640 Aquilion Toshiba machine were analyzed.

Results: Anomalous origin and course of coronary artery were detected in 47 (0.49%) of 9572 patients. The anomalous origins of Circumflex Artery from the RCA or the right sinus of Valsalva are most frequently visualized ( 15 pts [31.9%] ). High taking off of RCA observed in 11 pts ( 23.4% ).The RCA rising from the left sinus of Valsalva were seen in 8 pts ( 17% ).The Left Coronary Artery originates from the right sinus of Valsalva in 5 pts ( 10,6% ).The RCA arising from the LAD in 2pts (4,2% ).Absent RCA in 2 case (4.2%) and single coronary artery from LSV in one case (2.1%). The LCA rising from the Pulmonary Artery ( ALCAPA) in 2 cases and The RCA originating from the PA in one case ( RCAPA ).

Conclusion: Anomalies of coronary artery origin and course are rare but the diagnosis is very important to prevent SCD in young patients. MDCT with the Volume Rendered Images is the non-invasive modality that provides the valuable information to detect these anomalies.

Keywords: Multidetector Computed Tomography; Anomalies of coronary origin and course; sinus of Valsalva

Coronary artery anomalies are a diverse group of congenital heart diseases with manifestations and pathological mechanisms are highly variable. Coronary anomalies include anomalies of origin and course, anomalies of intrinsic coronary arterial anatomy like myocardial bridge, anatomy of coronary termination as coronary artery fistula and anomalous anastomotic vessels. Anomalies of coronary origin and course may associated with arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac deaths in young people, especially on effort like athletes. We study 9572 patients with coronary MDCT-angiography to evaluate the type and the incidence of coronary anomalies of origin and course[1,2].

All patients who underwent coronary CT-angiography by MDCT 64O Aquilion Toshiba equipment ( IV contrast medium, gantry rotation of 0.33 msec, slice thickness 0.5mm ) in MEDIC HCMC Viet Nam, from January 2016 to January 2019 were included. The main indications of CT-angiography were acute coronary syndrome, stable angina, coronary CT-angiography prior to surgery, congenital heart diseases involving coronary artery...

The CT-angiograms with coronary anomalies were selected and analyzed. The anomalies of coronary origin and course were assessed [3-5].

We included 9572 pts with anomalies of coronary origin and course based on results of CT-angiograms that were interpreted by two cardiologists. Anomalous origin and course of coronary artery were detected in 47 ( 0,49 %) of 9572 patients. The mean age of these pts was 63± 8.4, M/F=1.8 . The anomalous origins of Circumflex Artery from the RCA or the right sinus of Valsalva are most frequently visualized ( 15 pts [31.9%] ).High taking off of RCA observed in 11 pts ( 23.4% ) The RCA rising from the left sinus of Valsalva were seen in 8 pts ( 17% ).The Left Coronary Artery originates from the right sinus of Valsalva in 5 pts ( 10.6% ), in this subgroup, a patient presented by myocardial infarction resulting cardiac arrest was notified, the surgical re-implantation of LCA was performed .The RCA arising from the LAD in 2pts (4,2% ). Absent RCA in 2 case (4.2%) and single coronary artery from LSV in one case ( 2.1% ) (Table1 ).The Left Coronary Artery arising from the Pulmonary Artery ( ALCAPA ) in 2 cases ( 4.2% ) and The RCA originating from the PA ( RCAPA ) in one case ( 2.1% ). sinus of Valsalva (Figures 1-10).

Table 1.


RSV: Right sinus of Valsalva, LSV: Left sinus of Valsalva, ALCAPA: Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from The Pulmonary Artery, RCAPA: Anomalous Origin of the Right Coronary Artery off The Pulmonary Artery.

Figure 1: Single coronary artery rising from LSV.


This patient is of 52 ages, presented by atypical chest pain, the single coronary artery originating from LSV. The other case report of Prashanth Panduranga revealed the single coronary artery arising from RSV with exertional angina

Figure 2: High taking off of RCA.


Some time causes myocardial infarction due to excessive angulation between RCA and Aorta. We have in our study one young patient of 24 y.o that had been transferred to the hospital by cardiac arrest , related to this anomaly. Operative re-implanted had been indicated to save the patient

Figure 3: RCA originates from LSV with intra-arterial course resulting Angina


Figure 4: Anomalous origin of LCA from RSV


Figure 5: RCA rising from LSV and Intra-arterial course of RCA.


Figure 6:LCx arising from the RVS and Retro Aortic Course of LCx.


Figure 7: LCx arising from the RVS and Retro Aortic Course of LCx.


Figure 8: Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from The Pulmonary Artery.


Figure 9: Other case of ALCAPA.


Figure 10: Anomalous Origin of the Right Coronary Artery off The Pulmonary Artery.

In our study, coronary anomalies of origin and course were detected in 47 of 9572 patients ( 0,49% ) that is consistent with the incidence of 0.27% to 1.66% reported in other series. The most frequent anomaly of origin and course was the Cx Artery arising from RCA/RSV ( 31.9% of anomaly prevalence and 0.16% among all patients ), this incidence is lower than previous published studies. The anomalies of origin and course of RCA were found in 17% and 4.2% respectively from LSV and LAD. This incidence is lower in comparison with previous study. Sudden deaths, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias related to the coronary anomalies were reported previously [6,7]. But these anomalies often asymptomatic, so early detection of coronary anomalies of origin and course is highly important. The former studies mainly based on the result of coronary angiography that is invasive modality. This study demonstrates MDCT is the noninvasive modality that provides important information related to coronary anatomy. Currently MDCT and MRI become fundamental to detection and diagnosis of coronary anomalies. Contrast enhanced ECG-gated 640-row MDCT coronary angiography is an accurate diagnostic method that can precisely detect the coronary anomalies of origin and course


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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Lupine Publishers | Msct In Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseases in Viet Nam

Lupine Publishers | Advancements in Cardiology Research & Reports

Background: Congenital heart diseases associated with more malformations, complex aortopulmonary collaterals and anomalous coronary artery. Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic method but this method can be limited in complex congenital heart diseases.

Purpose: To assess the role of MDCT in congenital heart diseases (CHD) diagnosis compare with operative result and interventional angiography.

Methods: 910 patients with congenital heart diseases of 31.000 patients underwent cardiac angiography with 64 and 320 section CT at Medic Medical Center since 09/09/2006 to 30/12/2015.

Results: There are 658 operated cases, most of operated cases demonstrated the exact diagnosis of MDCT in congenital heart diseases.

Conclusions: MDCT is the fast and non-invasive diagnostic method with the high accuracy, overcomes the limit of echocardiography in complex congenital heart diseases diagnosis and provides the panorama and useful information’s prior to the operation.

Keywords: Congenital heart diseases; Cardiac multi-detector computed tomography, Multi-detector computed tomography in congenital heart diseases; Congenital heart diseases computed tomography

Congenital heart diseases effect ~ 1% of all live births in the general population. Complex congenital heart diseases associated with more malformations, complex aortopulmonary collaterals and anomalous coronary artery. Over the past few decades, the diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart diseases have greatly improved [1-6]. Diagnostic tools: X-ray, ECG, echocardiography, MRI and MDCT. ECG and X-Ray suggest the diagnosis but are not specific. Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic method for patients with suspected CHD but this method can be limited in complex CHD. The great capabilities of MRI for anatomic and functional assessment of the heart but MRI is time-consuming and may require patient sedation. Now enable CT to be used as an accurate noninvasive clinical instrument that is fast replacing invasive cine-angiography in the evaluation of CHD [1,2,5].

I. Improves both spatial and temporal resolution.

II. Increases scanning speed.

III. Improves diagnostic image quality by reducing respiratory artifacts

To assess the role of MDCT in congenital heart diseases (CHD) diagnosis compare with operative result and interventional angiography.

Subject: 910 patients with congenital heart diseases of 31.000 patients underwent cardiac angiography with 64 and 640 section CT at Medic Medical Center since 09/09/2006 to 30/12/2015.

Means and scanning techniques

a) Medic Medical Center scanned cardiac CT by 64 MDCT Toshiba Aquilion machine and Toshiba Aquilion One (320 MDCT), 0.5mm slice thickness, 0.5mm imaging reconstruction.

b) Two phases scanning: Don’t inject phase and contrast media injection phase: +Phase doesn’t inject contrast which help locate and assess coronary artery calcification.

c) +Phase inject contrast media: Medicine chasing phase and water chasing phase.

d) Contrast pumping machine is double-barreled Stellant (Medrad).

e) To inject contrast by intravenous right hand.

f) Contrast dose used 1mL/ kg.

g) Drug pump speed depends on patient status and disease.

h) Vitrea software: Reconstructed images by MPR, MIP and VRT.

i) Effective radiation dose is low (320-MDCT is 3.69±061mSv; 64-MDCT is 12-14mSv) (Figures 1).

Figure 1.


a. The prospective study and case series report compare with operative and interventional angiography.

b. Data collection at the HCM city Heart Institute, Tam Duc Heart Hospital and Medic medical center (Figures 2-17).

Figure 2: Atrial septal defects and Ventricular septal defects.


Figure 3: Patent ductus arteriosus.


Figure 4: Coarctation of aorta.


Figure 5: Double aortic arch.


Figure 6: Tetralogy of Fallot.


Figure 7: Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect.


Figure 8: Transposition of great vessels.


Figure 9: Double outlet right ventricle.


Figure 10: Single ventricle.


Figure 11: Aortopulmonary window:


Figure 12: Truncus arteriosus.


Figure 13: Anomalous systemic venous return.


Figure 14: Anomalous pulmonary venous connection.


Figure 15: Single pulmonary artery.


Figure 16: Pulmonary artery trunk aneurysm:


Figure 17: Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation.


There are 658 operated cases, most of operated cases demonstrated the exact diagnosis of MDCT in congenital heart diseases.

Congenital heart diseases associated with more malformations, complex aortopulmonary collaterals and anomalous coronary artery. Echocardiography is the initial evaluative method for preand post-operation congenital heart diseases but this method can be limited in complex cases. Multi-detector computed tomography overcomes the limit of Echocardiography by multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) and volume rendered techniques (VRT) reconstruction . Volume rendered techniques (VRT) reconstruction clearly demonstrates the relationship between the heart and great vessels.

Multi-detector computed tomography is the fast and noninvasive diagnostic method with the high accuracy. Overcomes the limit of Echocardiography in complex congenital heart diseases. Provides the panorama and useful information’s prior to the surgery.

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