Saturday, December 29, 2018

Neuroleptic Cardiomyopathy and Myocardial Hibernation: (ACR) - Lupine Publishers

Aim: It is to summarize and in a new way to interpret the data, which have been earlier received, in order to prove the development of the hibernation of myocardium (HM) in cases of the neuroleptic cardiomyopathy (NCMP).
Methods and results: Morphometric methods of research were used which meet modern requirements of the evidence-based medicine. The studied micro morphometric parameters describe the condition of three structural components of myocardium (vasculature, intercellular matrix, and parenchyma). Such parameters as zone of pericapillary diffusion (ZPD), Kernogan index (KI), SPR, RIE were calculated. Karyometry and cytometry of cardiomyocytes (CMCs) were performed, the specific volumes of hypertrophied CMCs (SVHC), of atrophied ones (SVAC), and – by the method of polarization microscopy – the specific volume of dystrophic ones (SVDC) were determined. When NCMP is absent, the changes, which have an acute character, develop in the case of SCD and NMS and reflect the statistically significant shifts of the respective quantitative parameters. When NCMP is present, the only parameter, which is significantly changed in connection with SCD and NMS, is SVDC.
Conclusion: NCMP causes irreversible damages in myocardium, it leads to its are activity, practically almost fully prevents it from reacting to any influences, particularly to the coming of SCD and/or development of NMS. The found morpho functional state of cardiac muscle in the case of NCMP is an independent proof of state of HM which appears during the process of morphogenesis of NCMP.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Comparison of Aerobic Capacity and Cardiopulmonary Response to the Leger Test in University of Mexico and Colombia: (ACR) - Lupine Publishers

Introduction and objective: The 20 Meter Shuttle Run Test (20mSRT) is a cardiorespiratory fitness test that measures maximal aerobic power and indirectly maximum oxygen consumption; which, the larger it is, the greater the capacity of that organism to produce energy through aerobic metabolism. The objective was to compare the aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary response of university students in Puebla, Mexico against university students in Cúcuta, Colombia.
Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study with 2 groups of 100 participants of average age of 20.5±3 and 21±2 years for Mexicans and Colombians respectively. Anthropometry, vital signs, climatic conditions and the 20mSRT test were obtained. In addition, it was analyzed by means of the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test and then ANOVA with post hoc test using the Scheffe test.
Results: 56% (62% Mex and 50.5% Col.) Of the participants had a BMI of normal weight, 9.5% (7% Mex and 6% Col.) Underweight and for overweight and obesity was 26% (28% Mex and 24% Col.) And 8.5% (9% Mex. And 8% Col.) Respectively. Regarding abdominal circumference, 93.73±11.84 and 81.37±12.20 were found for Mexican and Colombian university students, respectively. The VO2max. in the Mexican university students it was 34.7±6.06 with 672.8±385.4 meters and in the Colombian universities it was 32.9±7.12 with 533.8±371.3 meters.
Conclusion: No significant differences were found in BMI (p=0.967), abdominal circumference (p=0.258), VO2max. (p=0.089) nor hemodynamic variables such as maximum heart rate (p=0.344), arterial oxygen saturation (p=0.811), TAS (p=0.945) and TAD (p=0.597) post test. In both groups, the results of aerobic capacity were below the “Good” or “Excellent” aerobic capacity.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Retrograde Recanalization of Chronic Coronary Occlusions: (ACR) - Lupine Publishers

Chronic coronary occlusion (CTO) is fixed at 1 in 5 patients who underwent cardiac catheterization. Recanalization of chronic coronary occlusions is one of the most difficult for the technical performance of interventional procedures. Successful recanalization CTO associated with better survival compared to patients where the procedure of recanalization of occlusion was not successful. Thus, potential candidates for retrograde recanalization of chronic occlusions of coronary arteries may be: patients after a failed attempt of recanalization with clear indications and motivated to implement PCI; refractory angina with CTO of native coronary arteries after CABG; single-vessel coronary artery disease - RCA or the LAD with preserved left ventricular function and preserved kidney; patients with multivessel disease and related comorbidity, which does not allow to perform coronary artery bypass surgery. From 2007 to the present time we have carried out 125 of retrograde recanalization of chronic occlusions of coronary arteries with a total efficiency of 66.4%. Our data suggest that CTO intervention most often used in LAD - 50% of the RCA - 41.7%, and LCx - in 8.3% of cases. It was succesfull method in CTO cases of RCA - in 86.6% of cases, LAD - in 66% of patients and occlusion and in case of Cx CTO recanalization was succesfull in only 2 patients. Septal collaterals with retrograde approach used in most cases- 101 patients, epicardial collaterals - in 19 cases, and in 4 cases of retrograde access served venous bypass and one mammary coronary bypass – to the LAD.

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Interruption of the Aortic Arch in the Adult and Fulminant Myocarditis: A Strange Presentation

Introduction   53 years old female patient, who presented oppressive precordial pain, radiating to the neck and jaw, for which she went to...